Advising Syllabus

Four-Year Advising Plan

The student checklist below outlines general suggestions about what students can do at each stage in their undergraduate career to ensure continued success as an honors student, as well as the ways HHC advisors can help. For more information or for help with applying the guidelines below to your own career, schedule an appointment with an advisor.

Student Checklist
To do

HHC Advising
How we can help

  • Take your first honors course to start working toward the Hutton Honors Notation (HHN)
  • Meet with your HHC advisor to discuss HHC opportunities and programming
  • Attend at least one HHC program
  • Involve yourself in HHC and IUB student organizations
  • Learn about the requirements and benefits of being an HHC member
  • Find honors courses appropriate for your interests
  • Introduce you to the various HHC student organizations and programming opportunities
  • Discuss the benefits and challenges of combined majors, minors, certificates
  • Plan a four-year honors course combination to complete the HHN

Student Checklist
To do

HHC Advising
How we can help

  • Continue taking honors courses toward the HHN
  • Create a resume based on aspirations and attend various career fairs related to your interests
  • Attend at least one HHC program
  • Explore internships, research, study abroad, minors, certificates
  • Track honors courses within your four-year academic plan
  • Notify you of honors-related certificates/opportunities to help fulfill your aspirational resume
  • Discuss your career goals and prepare you to make the most of exploring career fairs

Student Checklist
To do

HHC Advising
How we can help

  • Continue taking honors courses; track your HHN progress with your HHC advisor
  • Update your resume and attend various career fairs related to your interests
  • Meet with a career advisor
  • Make solid plans for internships, research, study abroad, creative projects
  • Clarify plans on career choices/graduate school
  • Track honors courses within your four-year academic plan
  • Help you navigate relevant HHC grants to further your high-impact activity plans
  • Facilitate early research on graduate school and post-undergraduate plans

Student Checklist
To do

HHC Advising
How we can help

  • Continue taking honors courses; track your HHN progress with your HHC advisor
  • Attend career fairs, preparing for a professional internship
  • Participate in at least one high-impact activity, including research, study abroad, creative projects
  • Clarify plans on career choices/graduate school
  • Track honors courses within your four-year academic plan
  • Assist in applying for HHC funding related to your high-impact activity plans
  • Provide workshops regarding further planning for career choices/graduate school, referring you to other appropriate campus resources when necessary

Student Checklist
To do

HHC Advising
How we can help

  • Transitioning out of college and into career
  • Continue taking honors courses; confirm your HHN completion with your HHC advisor
  • Apply for HHN
  • Finalize your career choices/plans for graduate school
  • Help you synthesize your HHC experiences and HHN completion so that you can express their impact in a clear way for graduate schools/employers
  • Confirm your HHN completion and assist in filling out HHN form


We’re Here to Help

Hutton Honors College Advising Services will assist students both online and in-person in 2024-2025. Please email or your assigned advisor to ask any questions, or use the Student Appointment Scheduler to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment with one of our advisors. We are here to help you through any difficult questions or circumstances.

Drop-in advising

If you would like immediate assistance, we encourage you to utilize our drop-in advising hours. Drop-in advising is on a first-come, first-served basis. During periods of high traffic an advisor may not be available immediately. 


Monday: 9am-11:30am

Wednesday-Friday: 9am-4pm