Maximize your IU honors experience by living in a Honors Residential Community. With floors in each residential neighborhood at IU, you can find an HRC that fits your preferences. Your floormates will share your intellectual motivation as well as your quest for fun. Feel supported in your academic pursuits while also enjoying movie nights, ice cream socials, and lively discussions with your floor community.
Make friends and build a community by living in an HRC

Honors students from all disciplines join together in HRCs, which will broaden your friendship circles and connect you to a diverse group of students.
Description of the video:
0:05 Hi My name is Jackson my major is going to be public policy analysis and economic consulting 00:09 My name is Eli Schantz I am from Westfield Indiana I'm majoring in and microbiology and 00:14 philosophy and minoring in psychology I'm Makenzie Johnson and I'm a freshman in human 00:20 bio. I'm Chris Klein I'm a freshman studying in 00:23 both media and econ I think that overall the community has a very similar basis for what 00:29 we want out of the college experience I think that there's a lot of the academic drive we're 00:34 here together and so because of that motivation being the same we can still enjoy each other's 00:38 presence have a great time together it's just not studying and homework and the typical 00:45 nerdy stereotype which I think is huge to know the honors residential community is a 00:52 supportive and meaningful family-esc community and you're able to build a community into 00:57 IU which is a lot of people this is something a lot of people worry about as they're trying 01:01 to figure out how there going to make a family here if you have a question about a class 01:06 nearly everyone on this floor and the others on honors floor are all taking the same section 01:11 of organic chemistry right so it's a team kind of as we're all trying to support each 01:17 other in our education and I mean even socially as well but also the community in the family 01:21 the honors floors are specifically built to have a community within them there's specific 01:27 programming on each floor to allow for such things and allow you to meet new people and 01:32 form relationships interact with people who are different than you and that's truly the 01:37 sole mission of the honors residential communities I love the community so much it just really 01:43 built my Foundation here at IU as a whole just having that nice friend group. 01:49 especially from coming yeah also like I'm from Massachusetts. 01:52 So like I knew no one and it was so nice and helpful to just have this community that was 01:59 welcoming open arms to me when I came from halfway across the country I also love the 02:04 fact that as you said earlier that we have all kind have the same academic goals. 02:10 But those goals bring us together like we're not competitive with each other we like most 02:15 of my friends have been made honestly asking for help you basically have floor of tutors 02:21 because there all super smart kids I might not know how to do this finite problem but 02:24 you do do and they just like they help you out they're 02:27 also nice and just welcoming and yes like the little things the movie nights are huge 02:31 also like the ice cream parties the floor ice cream parties are great because just once 02:37 a month for birthdays is but just be like hey everyone come to the lounge and celebrate 02:42 like everyone's birthday this month and people are just like free ice cream I love that I've 02:48 built great friendships with my floor I can go over and just knock on their door and hang 02:52 out and play some video games go to different events at IU that with other students and 02:57 have built great friendships that way and in an HRC see you get to see all of the different 03:02 majors across all of IU it's hugely diverse section that you get to see I know people 03:08 that are majoring in everything from informatics to all these different majors in arts and 03:13 sciences global studies which allows me to develop as a person because I get to hear 03:18 their perspectives in the world the coming back from like a long day of classes all your 03:21 close friends are right don the hall You always just feel included and I think 03:26 that's the best part.There's such a community feeling, and a very comfortable atmosphere. We don't seclude ourselves from other floors. In fact, we get lots of visitors who secretly wish they lived on our floor! I definitely recommend living in the HRC.
HRC Resident - Northwest Neighborhood
Apply now
HRCs are in high demand; apply with Residential Programs and Services early. RPS can also offer you guidance on fees and specific details for each residence hall and neighborhood. HRC floors are located in Briscoe Quadrangle, Teter Quadrangle, and Forest Quadrangle.
If you are looking for a roommate, check out our HHC roommate matching system. While this system is for honors students only, you are not required to live in an HRC to use it.